Wednesday, May 23, 2007

My Perfect Month

The month of May was going to be a big geek month for me. On the movie side we have Spider-man 3, Shrek 3 and Pirates 3. Being a comics, animation, and pirates fan, I could not be happier. On TV we have finales for 24, Heroes, Smallville, the Office and LOST. Again being a fan, I was excited to see how everything wrapped up.

Toss in my birthday and by golly May was looking like Raytopia. What a jammed pack month of goodness. But then May got here and the disappointments began.

Spider-man 3: big disappointment number #1. Go read my previous posts for details.

Shrek 3: felt like a forced sequel to me, but still entertaining. The animation was probably the best of the series and there was quite a few laugh out loud moments. In general I think part 2 was a stronger film. Mildly disappointed that the story wasn't stronger.

My birthday: turned 36....had a good day with the family...had some cake and got a replica of the Black Pearl....not too shabby. Yay a high point of May!

The Office: pretty funny finale. Not quite as many laugh out loud moments as other episodes, but still good. Solid season, solid finale.

Smallville: the finale was typical Smallville cheese until the very end when the super being that Clark is battling (that looks just like Clark) turns out to be Bizarro. During the course of the fight when evil looking Clark says, "I'm just like you, just a little more bizarre" I admit my eyebrow did that Spock "I'm intrigued thing". The finales are typically pretty good and this one was as well. Color me: satisfied.

Heroes: big disappointment number #2. Dear, dear Heroes. We had a good season didn't we. There was something special there. I felt it. Did you? Then why oh why did you punk out on the finale? The showdown between Sylar and Pete. This is what we were waiting for and it amounts to a Vader force choke and a couple of right hooks. Lame.

Sylar can stop bullets but not swords apparently as Hiro impales him with such ease a toddler could have done it. Nikki makes a guest appearance during the "battle" (I use that word loosely) wacking Sylar with a parking meter and then takes a seat. Hey thanks for that. We see Sylar die but his body is mysteriously gone at the end. Is he alive? Most likely. Even without Claire's power the guy has been shot repeatedly, killed by a drug overdose and impaled, yet still manages to survive. I also "enjoyed" how no one seemed concerned that his dead body was gone during the ending scenes.

The cliffhanger: Hiro being back in 17nth century-ish I don't know if I can wait three months to see what happens next. I mean what an exciting...ah never mind.

The episode from a few weeks ago that was set in the future rocked. It rocked hard. The Heroes finale was just an alright episode; not an awesome finale.

24: big disappointment number #3. This one was expected. A lame season capped by a predictable and lame finale. "Jack was right" duh Jack is always right. Everyone should always listen to Jack. And even if Jack creates an international situation that nearly brings the country to war, still give him a gun, let him lead operations...all that...because he is never wrong.

The ratio between May disappointment and satisfaction is pretty even. So now we have LOST and Pirates. LOST season 3 has gotten better but can they pull off a satisfying ending or will something random happen like astronauts on the moon detecting a magnet pulse in the pacific.

I have watched Dead Man's Chest a few more times since my initial disappointment last summer and have come to enjoy the film on its own merits. Will part three make amends for past mistakes?

My May can still end on a high note if LOST and Pirates don't suck. I'm excited for both yet keeping my expectations on a average to low level. I'm not asking for perfection from either of you, just try to get it 80% right. Don't destroy my Raytopia.

P.S. Heroes I'm still mad at you.


Bobby Pontillas said...

Ray dont forget your absolute fav, American Idol , let us know what you think of the finale! Thanks ! Go Blake!

Alex Fleisig said...

happy birthday ray!!! heroes finale was uber awesome... as was smallville

Shephard said...

I agree about Heroes... fantastic season, with a disappointing finale.
We liked LOST, but ... not sure we're exactly looking forward to next year's "off island" episodes.

And you're a smart guy Ray, so maybe you can explain to me why the fnark Charlie even needed to seal himself in that room??? Desmond looked just fine outside the room. Tsk Tsk. But loved when Hurley came barreling into the scene in the VW.

We thought Pirates 3 was fun.

RayChase said...

Sorry Bobby I don't watch the American Idol...I'm alergic to singing...

Thanks alex! Agreed on smallville.. but heroes...boooo...good episode/weak finale..

yeah i wondering why Charlie just didnt dart out of the room and seal the door to Shephard; he had the time. the way i figure it, Desmound had told him that no matter what he did to save him, Charlie was gonna die. So instead of trying to save his own skin and then get killed my a jelly fish, Charlie accepted his fate and went out a hero....

Honestly do you want to be remembered as the guy who died getting everyone rescued or the guy that died from an arrow in the neck..

I need to post on Pirates but i too thought it was fun..yay crazy Jack!