Our last couple of days in California were spent in San Francisco. Our first night was July 4
th and unfortunately our room was on the street side of the hotel..ground level. Yes it was
noisy pretty much all bloody night. I declared that I hated San Francisco and tried to
teleport myself someplace else...with my mind. It didn't work which was for the best, because I actually really loved San
Francisco...even more so after we got our room changed.
Here we see another boat of prisoners being taken to Alcatraz.
At Pier 39 there is a shop called Chocolate Heaven....the name does not lie..there was lots of chocolate and I was in heaven. The kids got a sugar high just looking at the store front.
After some shopping and lunching at Pier 39, it was finally time to pay homage to the greatest hot fudge sundaes in the world, by visiting
Ghirardelli Square. It was like visiting the Emerald City...and I wept softly. I counted about three different shop locations at the square all packed with people. My plan was to visit them all..
Wonder-pea and I are enjoyed our
Ghirardelli Square experience. Me perhaps a little more. Yes that is a second sundae sitting there. Through some
mathematical miscalculation, my Dad ordered one more sundae than was needed. Since
Ghirardelli sundaes are protected under California law, I had no choice but to eat it. It was the greatest day of my life.
After prying me away from Ghirardelli Square, we crossed the Golden Gate Bridge to visit Golden Gate Park.
vegetation was huge!
Here we are at the top of a waterfall.....
...and my parents at the bottom.
I do have an almost, sorta, fear of heights. Not so much fear of being high, but rather falling to my death from a high spot. Regardless, I was determined to get a kick ass picture of the Golden Gate Bridge. We stopped at an overlook. The wind was blowing like crazy as I made my way up the path to the top.
The actual overlook was slopped down towards the bay so that if you got a running start you might actually clear the side of the cliff as you
plummeted to your death. Nice. After taking some long deep breaths and focusing on a happy childhood memory, I inched closer and closer to the edge and snapped this......
..not too shabby.
The very last thing we did in San Fran besides visiting the airport to come home, was to visit Muir Woods. Home to some HUGELY amazing trees.
Lil Pumpkin made friends with a local.
The End.
Good times were had by all! It was a busy trip but still pretty gosh darn fun. I would have loved to visit all my buddies out there in Cali, but perhaps next time. California was great fun and I am sure we'll be back. I must admit that late at night, when its very quiet, I can hear the chocolate of San Francisco calling to us......my precious.....and we must haves it..