Monday, April 24, 2006

World Wide Web

A new short promoting The Ant Bully is available at . If you go here you can take a peek at it. I didn't work on this one either but a lot of other groovy animators did so go check it out....

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Live Q&A: now with chocolate

So last night I did a Live Q&A on Animation Mentor. The first one I had ever done. In a live q&a the mentor (me) is on camera answering questions and bestowing knowledge or something masquerading as such, to the students. And yes I was a little nervous to the point of nearly peeing my least twice. But after getting over some user error issues (yes I had problems with which buttons I needed to press and when) things trucked along pretty well. Although I was freaked out for a good bit with the whole being on camera thing. I kept wanting to look at myself to make sure I wasn't being a total dork but when I would look...well..I would look like a total dork and my bladder would go on high alert.

All that aside it was a lot of fun and we ended up going way longer than our scheduled time. It was great talking animation with others who have a passion for the art form. Hopefully I provided some helpful information and didn't butcher too many names; sorry Boosi...I think I got it right eventually though...maybe....

So today is Easter and after a late night of talking animation I am pretty tired. Wonder pea is on perhaps her 3rd or 4th egg hunt of the weekend and I have eaten more chocolate than a human should be allowed. What can I say? All the sugar is keeping me awake and I just can't stay off those chocolate/peanut butter eggs. We also have chocolate/coconut eggs which are deadly!! For the love of god be careful with those!! I had a couple the other day and my body went into sudden sugar shock. I spent an hour wandering the house, talking to chairs and drooling on myself. I had to eat a carrot as quickly as possible in order to counter the sweet delicious goodness.

I hope everyone is having a great weekend! I am off to battle Wonder pea for the last chocolate/peanut butter egg. I think I can take her. But when candy is on the line its surprising how strong and agile a three old can be.....

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Animation Mentor and Me

Today I start as a Campus Mentor at the Animation Mentor online animation school. I am super excited to be a part of it! Last night I took part in a Live Q&A with Bobby Beck, co founder of AM, and a bunch of mentors from the school. It was a lot of fun to see everyone and a lot of good info was exchanged.

If you've never heard of AM....where have you been man? Check it out here